Festival/Event listings are in chronological order and then event. If you would like to be included in our listings, please go to contact@westcorkcommunity.ie and send your details.
12(11)-14 60 Years Art Exhibition Skibbereen (Uillinn Centre) Daily 028 22090 FB: Uillinn
25(11)-23 Polar Bear Express Clonakilty (Model Village) 023 883 3224 www.modelvillage.ie
1-31 Tonnta (Waves) Art Exhibition Skibbereen (Uillinn Centre) 028 22090 FB: WCAC
1 World Aids Day www.worldaidsday.org
2 Bingo Night Castletownbere (Berehaven Golf Club) 8pm FB: CastletownbereDA
2-4 “The Snow Queen” (Panto) Glengarriff (Eccles Hotel) 2pm & 8pm www.gtg.ie
2 Xmas Fair Kinsale (Temperance Hall) 10am – 12.30pm FB: KinsaleG&FClub
3-4 Dick Barrett Centenary Commemoration Ahiohill FB: DickBarrettCC
3 International Day for Persons with Disabilities FB: AsIAmIreland
3 “Love The Beat” (Variety Show) Fundraiser Drinagh (Hall) 8pm FB: DrinaghForoige
3 Multi-Media Performance Skibbereen (Uillinn Centre) 6pm 028 22090 FB: WCAC
3 Pro Darts Exhibition Bandon (Munster Arms Hoterl) 086 894 1629 FB: ThisIsBandon
3 ‘Save Our Centre’ Protest Bantry (Fire Station) 2.30pm FB: WCDSSG
3 Visit Santa Bandon (Riverview) 11am – 3pm FB: ThisIsBandon
3 Xmas Annual Dinner Courtmacsherry (Hotel) 7pm FB: CourtmacsherryRNLI
3 Xmas Ceili Fundraiser Ballydehob (Community Hall) 9pm – Midnight 085 182 4276
3 Xmas Charity Fundraiser Ballintemple (The Venue Bar) 7.30pm – Closing 087 793 8186 FB: WCRR
3 Xmas Crafts/Kids Horse Assisted Activities Ballineen 10am – 12pm FB: The HolliesCentre
3 Xmas Craft Fair Durrus (Community Hall) 12pm – 6pm FB: RAWR
3 Xmas Craft + Brick & Brack Fair Leap (Community Hall) FB: KilmacabeaGAA
3 Xmas Lights ‘Switch On’ Castletownbere (Square) 7.15pm FB: CastletownbereDA
3 Xmas Lights ‘Switch On’/Santa Visit Clonakilty (Astna Square) 4pm FB: ClonakiltyGAA
3 Xmas Market Castletownbere (The Beacon) 11am – 2pm FB: CastletownbereDA
3-24 Xmas Members Exhibition Clonakilty (Asna Gallery) FB: Clonarts
3-4 Xmas Pottery Making Skibbereen (Cre Pottery) 028 22913 FB: CrePotteryStudio
3 Xmas Sale Skibbereen (Abbeystrewery Hall) 11am onwards FB: SkibbereenHome
4 Coffee Morning Adrigole (Caha Centre) 11am FB: CahaCentre
4 Festival Fundraiser Eyeries (Lighthouse Bar) 6pm FB: EyeriesTT
4 Santa 5Km Dash Kinsale (Town Park) 10.30am FB: KinsaleTriClub
4 Santa Drive-Thru Castletownbere (St. Peter’s Grounds) 4pm – 6pm FB: CastletownbereDA
4/11 Santa Paws Grotto Clonakilty (Showground) 11.30am – 5.30pm 8555 FB: ClonDogAcademy
4 Tractor Run Fundraiser Barryroe (GAA Grounds) Reg 11am/12.30pm Start FB: BarryroeMacra
4 Xmas Art & Craft Market Ardfield (Campus Farm) 12pm – 6pm 023 883 5625 FB: TheLoftGallery
4 Xmas Craft Fair Skibbereen (Deelish Garden Centre) 11am – 5pm 028 21374 FB: DeelishGC
4 Xmas Market Innishannon (Community Hall) 11am – 4pm FB: ValleyRovers
4 Xmas Market/Carol Singing Kicrohane 3pm – 6pm FB: KilchrohaneDevelopment
4 Xmas Market Leap (Myross Wood House) 11am – 5pm FB: Cecas.ie
4 Xmas Market Riverstick (Community Centre) 12pm – 5pm FB: RiverstickCC
4 Xmas “Toy Run” Killeady to Dunmanway 1pm Start 083 014 0474 FB: WestCorkMcc
5 International Volunteers Day www.volunteer.ie
5 Xmas Dinner/Flower Demonstration Bantry (Westlodge Hotel) 6pm 027 61022 FB: BantryF&GC
6 Youth Session & Ceili Skibbereen (GAA Pavilion) 7.30pm – 9pm 087 289 0314 FB: SkibbereenCCE
7 Kilmichael Ambush Presentation Copeen (An Caipin) 8.30pm 023 882 2681
7 “Lockdown” (Play) Ballydehob (Community Hall) 8pm FB: SchullDramaGroup
7 Xmas Concert Clonakilty (Gaelscoil Hall) 7pm FB: ClonakiltyCCE
7 Xmas Party Bandon (Munster Arms Hotel) 7.30pm 023 884 1681 FB: St.MichaelsCentre
8 Cake Sale Fundraiser Castletownbere (Square) 9am onwards FB: BearaVincent’s
8 History of Kilcrea Abbey Bandon (Library) 11am FB: ThisIsBandon
8 Transition Town AGM Kinsale (The Friary) 7.30pm FB: KinsaleTransitionTown
8 Xmas Market Dunmanway (West End Carpark) 2pm – 6pm FB: DunmanwayCofC
9 Kids Disco (5-8 years) Clonakilty (Rugby Club) 5pm – 6.30pm FB: ClonakiltyNoticeBoard
9 Kids Disco (9-12 years) Clonakilty (Rugby Club) 7pm – 9pm FB: ClonakiltyNoticeBoard
9 Quiz Time Fundraiser Skibbereen (Corner Bar) 8pm 028 21192 FB: GaelScoilSkibbereen
9-10 Xmas Appeal St. Vincent De Paul Skibbereen (Market St) 10am – 3pm 086 045 0726
9 Xmas Concert Timoleague (Church of the Blessed Nativity) 7.30pm FB: GlaslinnChoir
9 Xmas Dinner & Dance Fundraiser Dunmanway (Parkway Hotel) 6.30pm 023 884 5236 FB: BantryBayRFC
9-11 Xmas Food Appeal Bantry (SuperValu) All Day 027 56662
9-10 Xmas Panto Beara (Lehanmore Community Centre) 8pm 087 981 0518 FB: LehanmoreCC
10 Bandon Hockey Xmas Party Bandon (Cracked Cafe + Kilmichael Bar) FB: BandonHC
10 “The Parish” (Comedy) Ballinspittle (Community Hall) 8pm FB: BallinspittleTT
10 Visit Santa Bandon (Riverview) 11am – 3pm FB: ThisIsBandon
10 Visit Santa Eyeries 4.30pm Book: 086 169 4898 FB: EyeriesFamilyFestival
10/11 Visit Santa Kilcrohane (The Black Gate) Booking Essential 086 320 6046
10 Wreath Making Leap (Myross Wood House) FB: GreenSkibbereen
10 Xmas Brass Band Skibbereen (Market) 2pm FB: St.Fachtna’sSilverBand
10 Xmas Brunch Bantry (Christian Fellowship Church) 10.30am – 12.30pm 086 101 9454 FB: BCF
10 Xmas Carols Concert Bantry (Bantry House) 8pm FB: BantryBusinessAssociation
10 Xmas Carols Clonakilty (O,Donovans Market) 2.30pm FB: ClonakiltyVoices
10 Xmas Crafts/Kids Horse Assisted Activities Ballineen 10am – 12pm FB: The HolliesCentre
10 Xmas Gathering Mealagh Valley (Hall) 4pm – 6pm FB: MealaghValleyCommunity
10 Xmas Market Fundraiser Bantry (The Stables) 11am – 5pm FB: CoomholaBorlinDA
10 Xmas Market Coomhoola (Priest’s Leap) 11am – 5pm 083 036 7828 www.wcss.ie
10 Xmas Party Kilbrittian (Kilbrittain Inn) 8.30pm FB: KilbrittianN&V’s
10-11 Xmas Pottery Making Skibbereen (Cre Pottery) 028 22913 FB: CrePotteryStudio
11 5Km Santa Fun Run/Walk Skibbereen (Rowing Club) Reg 10am/Start 11am FB: SkibbereenHome
11 Car Boot Sale Skibbereen 9am – 3pm 085 228 7284/087 681 2347
11 Interface Carol Service Kilbrittain (St. Patrick’s Church) 8pm FB: KilbrittianTT
11 Jean’s Memorial Dog Walk Inchydoney Beach 2pm FB: WCAWG
11 Visit Santa Kinsale (Yacht Club) 3pm 021 477 2196 FB: KinsaleYC
11 Xmas Bazaar Courtmacsherry 3pm – 5pm FB: CourtmacsherryFH
11 Xmas Fair Ballineen (BEDA Hall) 12pm – 5pm FB: BedaPGP
11 Xmas Fair Baltimore (Casey’s Hotel) 11am – 3pm 028 20197 FB:BaltimoreIrl
11 Xmas Fair Glengarriff (Eccles Hotel) 12pm – 4pm 027 63003 FB: WCAWG
11 Xmas Market/Santa Visit Bantry (Marino Church) FB: BantryBusinessAssociation
12 Xmas Centrepiece/Wreath Demo Skibbereen (FRC) 10.30am – 12.30pm 028 23572 FB: SFRC
13 Xmas Carol Service Castlehaven (St. Barrahanes) 7.30pm
14 “To Elfinity & Beyond” (Play) Clonakilty (Town Centre) 7pm FB: KilmeenKilbreeGAA
14 Xmas Annual Party Castletownbere (BWFRC) 11am – 1pm 027 70998 FB: BWFRC
14 Xmas Party/Santa Visit Schull (Community Hospital) 2pm 028 28120 FB: SchullCH
16 Xmas Concert Clonakilty (Ahamilla SC) 7’30pm 087 339 7969 FB: ClonakiltyBrassBand
16-17 Xmas Panto Beara (Lehanmore Community Centre) 8pm 087 981 0518 FB: LehanmoreCC
16 Xmas Party Skibbereen (Church Restaurant) 7pm FB: CaheraghMacra
17 Charity “Single” Launch+ Bantry (O’Connors Seafood Restaurant) 3pm – 6pm 027 55664
17 Midwinter Music Skibbereen (Abbetstrewery Church) 8pm www.westcorkchoral.ie
17-21 “Sales” Exhibition Skibbereen (Uillinn Centre) 10am – 4.30pm www.inannararebooks.com
17 Visit Santa Bandon (Riverview) 11am – 3pm FB: ThisIsBandon
17 Visit Santa + Carols Drimoleague (Railway Yard) 3.30pm – 6pm Text: 086 165 0627
17 Xmas Concert (Men’s Choir) Durrus (St. James Church) 7.30pm 087 929 9122 FB: KilDev
17 Xmas Crafts/Kids Horse Assisted Activities Ballineen 10am – 12pm FB: The HolliesCentre
17-18 Xmas Pottery Making Skibbereen (Cre Pottery) 028 22913 FB: CrePotteryStudio
18 Cake Sale Fundraiser Clonakilty (Kilgaviffe Parish Hall) 12pm – 3pm FB: ClonakiltyHC
18 Santa Visit+ Ring (Kitty Mac’s) 087 795 8734 6.30pm FB: RingVillageTT
18 Santa Visit+ Union Hall (Reen Pier) 086 252 6785 FB: SkibbereenHome
18 Xmas Lights Car/Tractor/Truck Run Fundraiser Beara FB: BearaMacra
18 Xmas Lights Kiddie Tractor Run Ahiohill 6pm 087 941 7091 FB: BallinascarthyGAA
18 Xmas Market Ardfield (Mountain Forge) 11am – 7pm
19 Midwinter Music Rosscarbery (St. Fachtna’s Cathedral) 8pm www.westcorkchoral.ie
22 Therapuetic Riding Session (3-13 years) Castletownbere 11am – 12.30pm FB: CastletownbereDA
24 Community Café Opening Bantry (Bridge St) 4pm – 6pm 087 607 4908
25 Xmas Day Swim Fundraiser Bantry (Abbey Slip) 1pm FB: BantryRowingClub
25 Xmas Day Swim Fundraiser Kilbrittain (Coolmaine Beach) 11am 023 884 1681 FB: St.Michael’s
25 Xmas Day Swim Fundraiser Kinsale (Garrylucas Beach) 11am FB: KilmacsimmonRC
25 Xmas Day Swim Fundraiser Kinsale (The Pier) 1pm FB: SaileKinsaleCC
25 Xmas Day Swim Fundraiser Rosscarbery (The Warren) 11am FB: RosscarberySRAC
25 Xmas Day Swim Fundraiser Schull (Pier) 12pm FB: BallydehobCommunityHall
26 Vintage Car Run + Music Caheragh 12pm (reg)/1pm Start FB: Caheragh&DistrictVC
26 St. Stephen’s Day Party + T.V. Live Rugby Skibbereen (RFC) FB: SkibbereenRFC
26 Treasure Day Challenge (Online) – See on the day 9am Start FB: CastletownbereDA
27 Ger Long Memorial Puc Fada Newcestown (GAA) 1pm Start FB: NewcestownGAA
27 O’Donovan Rossa Social Day Skibbereen 1pm Start FB: O’DonovanRossaGAA
27-28 Therapuetic Riding Session (3-13 years) Castletownbere 9.30am – 1pm FB: CastletownbereDA
27 Tractor Run Fundraiser Kilbrittain FB: KilbrittainTractorRun
28 Bantry Blues Xmas 7’s Bantry (Wolfe Tone Park) 10am FB: BantryBlues
28-29 Road Bowling Fundraiser Castletownbere 9.30am – 3pm FB: CastletownbereDA
28 Table Quiz Fundraiser Leap (Inn) 8.30pm FB: KilmacabeeGAA
29 Annual Dinner & Dance Baltimore (Casey’s Bar) 7.30pm 028 20426 FB: BaltimoreSC
29 Quiz Night Fundraiser Caheragh (Travellers Rest Pub) 028 32666 FB: TadhgMacGAA
30 Quiz Night Fundraiser Kilcrohane (Bay View Inn) 8.30pm 027 67981 FB: KilcrohaneDevelopment
31 New Years Eve Downton Ball Glengarriff (Eccles Hotel) 027 63003 FB: EcclesHotel
31 New Years Family Gathering Bantry (Wolfe Tone Square) 9.30pm 027 50229