Festivals/Events listings are in chronological/alphabetical order. If you would like to be included in our listings, please go to contact@westcorkcommunity.ie and send your details.
04 Table Quiz Fundraiser Bantry 8pm FB
04 Women’s Little Xmas Union Hall 7pm FB
04 Women’s Little Xmas Tea Rosscarbery 1.30pm FB
04 Women’s Xmas Brunch+ Bantry 1pm FB
16 Bingo Night Mealagh Valley 8pm FB
16 Bingo Night Skibbereen 8.30pm FB
16 Open Auditions(Acting) Glengarriff 8pm FB
17 Afternoon Music Bandon 2pm-4pm FB
17 Carers Coffee Morning Skibbereen 10am FB
17 Film Club Bandon 7pm FB
17 Morning Music Bandon 11am-1pm FB
17 Night of 10min Plays Rossmore 8pm FB
18 The Game of Love & Chance(Play) Bandon 7pm FB
19 Car Boot Sale Ballydehob 9am-3pm FB
19 Night of 10min Plays Rossmore 8pm FB
19 Vintage Car+ Run Bandon 11am FB
19 Whooper Swans Watch Ballinacarraga 2pm FB
20 Craft & Chat Castletownbere 7pm FB
20 Festival AGM Bere Island 8pm FB
23 Bingo Night Skibbereen 8.30pm FB
24 Afternoon Music Bandon 2pm-4pm FB
24 Carers Coffee Morning Skibbereen 10am FB
24 Morning Music Bandon 11am-1pm FB
24 Presentation Dance Dunmanway 8pm FB
25 Death Café Ballydehob 3pm-4.30pm FB
25 Pokémon Card Swap Bandon 2pm-4pm FB
26 Monster Bingo Fundraiser Bantry 3pm FB
30 Bingo Night Skibbereen 8.30pm FB
30 Shane Todd(Comedy) Clonakilty 8pm FB
31 Afternoon Music Bandon 2pm-4pm FB
31 Carers Coffee Morning Skibbereen 10am FB
31 Morning Music Bandon 11am-1pm FB
31 Ríoghnach Connolly(Gig) Bandon 8.30pm FB
31-02(02) Skibb Trad Fest FB