Welcome back to the ‘Voice of West Cork’ podcast, series 2 – Episode 1.
In this episode I share an in-depth conversation with Sarah Leahy, Social Financial Executive (Munster Region) with Clann Credo.
Many Community, Not-for-Profit & Social groups will unhappily agree, funding is all too often the biggest sticking point & even when money is awarded, it is usually only paid out on receipt of said monies spent…hence often creating a Catch 22.
Clann Credo is a national Not-for-Profit organisation providing loan finance to Community & Voluntary groups, Charities, Sports Clubs & Social Enterprises.
They provide ‘Bridging Loans’ that allow groups to go ahead with their projects, along with financial advice & personal mentoring. They also provide ‘Community Loans’ at affordable interest & repayment rate, as well as hosting a series of events both online & in person.
Our ‘Featured Artist’ is Mr. Minkles, aka Liam Keneally, with a track from his latest CD “The Flowers Are At It Again”, entitled “Red Spider Land”.
‘Voice of West Cork’ podcast: Series 2.
Ep1: Clann Credo + Mr. Minkles