The ‘Voice of West Cork’ podcast, Series 2 – Episode 15.
In this Edition, I speak with Vincent O’Neill – Chairperson & Conor O’Buachalla – Vice-Chairperson of the Castlehaven & Myross Historical Society.
Both give detailed information on the lives & activities of the inhabitants of the parish, dating back to the Bronze Age.
They also talk about the Ancient Clans, High Kings of Ireland, fairy folklore, raging ocean battles, family surnames, the Honda 50 & so much more…bringing us right up to the modern day & their vision going forward.
If history is of interest to you, then this is not to be missed!
NB: Gormú website address is “.com” & not “.ie” as stated in podcast.
‘Voice of West Cork’ podcast – Castlehaven & Myross FB: castlehavenhistory