Online listings are in chronological order and then event. If you would like to be included in our listings, please go to and send your details.
1-31 (Wed) Hour of Calm (Cork ARC) 11.30am-12.30am FB: CorkARC
1-31 (Thur) Loving Kind Meditation 9.30am-10.15am FB: DDBMC
1-31 (Tues) Time To Meditate 9.30am-10.15am FB: DDBMC
1-31 (Mon) Unwind in the Evening (Cork ARC) 9.30am FB: CorkARC
9 LGBTQI+ Parent & Family Support Group 087 989 0336 FB: BWFRC
9 Up Cork LGBTI+ Youth Group 6pm-8pm 021 4300 430 FB: GayProjectsIre
13 Kid’s Quiz Cork Library Services 021 454 6499 FB: CCCLib&Arts
13-19 Men’s Health Week Freephone 116 123 FB: DunFRC
13-19 National Youth Carers Week Various Events 027 70998 FB: BWFRC
16 Age Friendly Business Recognition Training 10am-11.30am FB: BantryAgeFriendly
16 Young Carers Fun Quiz 7pm-8.30pm 027 70998 FB: BWFRC