Online listings are in chronological order and then event. If you would like to be included in our listings, please go to and send your details.
1-31 AsIAm Summer Programme FB: AsIAm
1-31 eMagazines (Gardening) FB: nlnwestcork
1-31 Kid’s Quiz CorkCoCo Libraries FB: CCCLib
1-31 (Thur) Loving Kind Meditation 9.30am-10.15am FB: DDBMC
1-31 Membership Renewal Ardfield & Rathbarry Vintage Club 086 819 0120 FB: ARVC
1-31 Membership Renewal West Cork Vintage Club FB: WCVC
1-31 (Tues) Time To Meditate 9.30am-10.15am FB: DDBMC
1-31 Various Ardfield & Rathbarry Newsletter FB: ARC
1-31 Various The Wellbeing Network West Cork
1-31 Volunteers Wanted CoAction 086 043 0310 FB: WCCoAction
3 Music, Poetry. Song & Story Kinsale Men’s Shed (Women Welcome) 7pm-9pm 083 468 5059 FB: KinMS
3 The Fateful Path To Ballygroman Talk Kilbrittain 8pm FB: KHS
10/17/24 Vocal Workshops 11am FB: BantryCC
12 Age Action Discussion (My House) 3pm 01 475 6989 FB: AgeActionIrl
24 Creative & Wellbeing Workshop 12pm FB: BantryCC