Online listings are in chronological order and then event. If you would like to be included in our listings, please go to and send your details.
1-31 LGBTQIA+ Resources 023 885 6818 FB: DunFRC
1-31 History of Family & Genealogy 027 51246 FB: BantryHistoricalSociety
1-31 (Thur) Loving Kind Meditation 9.30am-10.15am FB: DDBMC
1-31 (Tues) Time To Meditate 9.30am-10.15am FB: DDBMC
13-18(09) Positive Parenting Support (Child/Teens) 10.30am 023 885 6818 FB: DunFRC
13-18(09) Parenting When Separated (Child/Teens) 7m 023 885 6818 FB: DunFRC
18 Morning of Meditation 10am – 12.30pm FB: DzogchenBBMC
22 (10Wks) Coping With Grief+ 021 466 6180 7.30pm – 9pm FB: DunmanwayFRC
27-15(11) Welcome to the World (New Parents) 7pm – 9pm 021 466 6180 FB: BWFRC