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West Cork Festivals & Events is a comprehensive listing of all festivals/events fundraisers, online services & workshops – excluding flag days – organised by the Community, Not-for-Profit & Social groups based in West Cork. Fact is, the majority of groups struggle financially, so supporting any event that they organise will not only provide them with much needed monies, but can also be a great social occasion!
If you are a West Cork group organising an event and want to be included in the Festival & Events Calendar listings, please Go To:contact@westcorkcommunity.ie and include; date, group name, venue, time and cost (where applicable), as well as any social media links that you have. Alternatively, you can email detailed information about your event and we will create a Post on your behalf. We will then get back to you once your event has been uploaded. This will be particularly beneficial to you as all of our subscribed members will receive an automatic notification of your event and subsequently, potentially increase your foot-fall.
NB: All event listings are done primarily by month and then by date. Click to view demo
For full details on the latest & upcoming Events, Go To: ‘Events Blogs’
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