Workshop listings are in chronological order and then event. If you would like to be included in our listings, please go to and send your details.
26(01)-30(03) Toddlers Group Dunmanway 10.15am-11.45am 023 885 6818 FB: DunFRC
1-31 49 North St Workshops Calendar FB: 49NorthSt
1-31 An Sanctóir Weekly Classes
1-31(Wed) Athletics (Juvenilles) Skibbereen 7pm-8pm FB: SkibbereenHome
1-31(Wed) Aqua Aerobics Baltimore 7pm-745pm 028 20622
1-31(Thu) Aqua Aerobics Baltimore 10am-10.45am 028 20622
1-31(Wed) Beara Youth Theatre 083 148 4494 FB: BearaYouthTheatre
1-31(Wed) Clonakilty Voices Choir Clonakilty 8pm 086 734 8583 FB: ClonakiltyVoices
1-31 Community Hall Timetable Ballydehob FB: BallydehobCH
1-31 Connections Art Centre Programme Applications (Closing date 3/03) FB: CAC
1-31(Tue) Digital Eye(Age 55+) Bandon 11am-1pm 023 884 1681 FB: St.Michael’sCentre
1-31(Mon) Dunmanway Community Choir Dunmanway 7.30pm-9pm FB: DunmanwayCC
1-31(Mon) English Classes Beara 3pm-5pm 086 823 9147 FB: EyeriesFF
1-31(Mon) Fit for Life Baltimore 10am-1045am
1-31(Vary) Free Courses Bantry Days/Times Vary 086 823 9089 FB: BantryBusiness
1-31(Tue) Irish Dancing(Age 4+) Leap 087 291 3769 FB: RathbarryTT
1-31(Thu) Irish Dancing(Age 4+) Ballineen 087 291 3769 FB: RathbarryTT
1-31 (Tues) Ladies Fitness Classes Adrigole 10,30am-11.30am 027 60909 FB: CahaCentre
1-31(Vary) Pilates for Beginners Castletownbere 083 839 3991 FB: CastletownbereDA
1-31(Thu) Skibbereen Community Choir Skibbereen 7pm FB: SkibbereenCC
1-31(Sat) Tai Chi Qigong Kinsale 10am-11.30am 087 213 2663 FB: SaileKinsaleCC
1-31(Vary) The Wellbeing Network Programme
1-31 Understanding Coercive Control Bantry FB: WCWAVProject
1-31(Thu) Women’s Group Clonakilty 11am-12.30pm 023 883 3702 FB: ClonFRC
1-31(Tue) Yoga Darrara 5.30pm-6.30pm 087 416 9571 FB: DarraraCC
1-31 Yoga Glengarriff Times/Days/Gender/Contact Details Vary FB: Glen/CoomPTG
1 St. Brigid’s Cross Making Bantry 027 50460 FB: BantryDTA
4 Mindfulness for Life Adrigole 2pm-4.30pm 083 149 1543 FB: CahaCentre
7(3Wks) Digital Devise Learning(Adults) Bantry 10.30am-11.30am 027 50460 FB: BAFT
7-14(03) Mixed Art Classes Timoleague 10.30am-12pm 086 153 1314 FB: KilbrittainN&V
7(5Wks) Painting Classes Eyeries 7.30pm-9.30pm FB: EyeriesFamilyFestival
9 Bike Mainentance Kinsale FB: TransitionTownKinsale
9/16/23 Community Choir Bantry 087 682 3663 7.30pm
9(4Wks) Lego Club(Age 6+) Dunmanway 3.30pm-4.30pm 023 885 5411 FB: DunFRC
11(4Wks)(8-12yrs) Pony Tribe Enniskeane FB: TheHolliesCentre
13(8Wks) Art Café Skibbereen 10am-2pm 028 23572 FB: SkibbFRC
15+ Glengarriff Youth Theatre (Aged 12+) Glengarriff 5.30pm-7.30pm FB: GlengarriffYT
16/17 Filmmaking Workshop Bandon 10.30am-4.30pm FB: ThisIsBandon
18 Friends of Myross Woods Leap FB: Cecas
18+ Skills4Kids GAA FB: BantryBlues
20(6Wks) Sustainability for Beginners Skibbereen 086 190 9694 FB: SusSkibb
21 Afterschool Fun & Crafts Tousist 3.30pm-4.30pm 087 121 7745 FB: TheCahaCentre
22(6Wks) Singing for the Brain Beara 2pm 027 70998 FB: BWFRC
22 Meditation Class Clonakilty 10am-10.45am 086 343 7006 FB: ClonakiltyFRC
22 Walk into Watercolours Clonakilty 10.45am 086 150 8747 FB: ClonCRC
25 Mucky Boots (6-12yrs) Enniskeane 10.30am-3.30pm FB: TheHolliesCentre
25 Working with Wild Willow Bantry 6.30am FB: GlengarriffCG
26(5Wks) Naomh óg Nursery Ahiohill 5pm-6pm 086 809 1147 FB: St.OliverPlunkettsGAA
27(5Wks) Masters Swim Class Dunmanway 8pm 023 884 5349 FB: DunMunicipalPool
28(6Wks) Aromatherapy Course Dunmanway 10.30am-12.30pm 023 885 6818 FB: DunFRC