Listings are in chronological order. If you would like to be included, please go to ContactUs and send your details.
1-31 49 North St Spring Programme(Various) Skibbereen FB: 49NorthSt
1-31(Mon) Baby & Toddler Group Drimoleague 10.30am-12pm FB: DrimNB
1-31(Thu) Bantry Community Choir Bantry 7.30pm 087 682 3663
1-31(Wed) Beara Youth Theatre 083 148 4494 FB: BearaYouthTheatre
1-31(Mon) Breast-Feeding Support Bandon 9.30am-10.30am FB: BandonFC
1-31(Tue) Chair Yoga Clonakilty FB: ClonakiltyCRC
1-31(Mon/Thu) Circuits Darrara 6.15pm/7pm FB: DarraraCC
1-31(Wed) Clonakilty Voices Choir Clonakilty 8pm 086 734 8583 FB: ClonakiltyVoices
1-31 Community Education Programme(Various) Beara FB: BWFRC
1-31(Tue) Demon’s Roar(10-18yrs) Kinsale 5.30pm-6.30pm FB: SaileSports
1-31(Tue) Digital Eye(Age 55+) Bandon 11am-1pm 023 884 1681 FB: St.Michael’sCentre
1-31(Mon) Dunmanway Community Choir Dunmanway 7.30pm-9pm FB: DunmanwayCC
1-31(Mon) English Classes Beara 3pm-5pm 086 823 9147 FB: EyeriesFF
1-31(Wed) Glengarriff Youth Theatre(Aged 12+) Glengarriff 5.30pm-7.30pm FB: GlengarriffYT
1-31(Wed) Kayaking Club Tragumna 5.30pm FB: WCKayakers
1-31(Wed) Kids Boxing Club Bandon 4.30pm-5.30pm FB: DecourceysABC
1-31(Mon) Knitting & Crocheting Group Clonakilty 1pm-3pm FB: ClonCRC
1-31(Mon) Knit & Natter Goleen 10.30am-11.30am FB: GoleenDPN
1-31(Thu) LGBTQI Group Clonakilty 1pm-3pm FB: ClonakiltyCRC
1-31(Wed) Meditation Evenings Allihies 7pm-8.30pm FB: DzogchenBeara
1-31(Tue) Mindful Meditation Leap 10am-11am FB: Mindhaven
1-31(Fri) Move to Meditate Allihies 10.30am-12pm FB: DzogchenBeara
1-31(Mon) Movement Medicine Castletownbere 11am FB: MMWC
1-31(Tue) Parent & Toddlers Skibbereen 10am-12pm FB: Skibbereen-Home
1-31(Sat) Pickerball Kinsale 9.30am-11.30am FB: SáileKinsaleCC
1-31(M0n) Pilates Ballinacarriga 9.30am FB: DunmanwayFRC
1-31(Wed) Singing for the Brain Castletownbere 2pm-3.30pm FB: BWFRC
1-31(Thu) Skibbereen Community Choir Skibbereen 7pm FB: SkibbereenCC
1-31(Tue) Stroke/Brain Injury Support Group Clonakilty 2pm-3.30pm FB: ClonCRC
1-31 Summer Sessions Baltimore Days/Times Vary FB: BaltimoreWAP
1-31(Sat) Tai Chi Qigong Kinsale 10am-11.30am 087 213 2663 FB: SaileKinsaleCC
1-31(Sat) Teen Writers Group(12+yrs) Bandon 2.30pm-4pm FB: CCLibraries
1-31(Fri) Tibetan Yoga & Meditation Allihies 10.30am-12pm FB: DzogchenBeara
1-31(Mon) Tik-Tok Dance Club(7-13yrs) Ballydehob 6pm-7pm FB: BallydehobCH
1-31(Thu) Tin Whistle for Adults Clonakilty 6.15pm FB: SkibbereenNB
1-31 The Wellbeing Network
1-31 Upcoming Events Ballydehob
1-31(Fri) Wall Pilates Kinsale 9.10am FB:SaileKinsaleCC
1-31(Thu) Women’s Group Clonakilty 11am-12.30pm 023 883 3702 FB: ClonFRC
1-31(Thu) Yoga for All Riverstick 7pm FB: RiverstickCC
1-31(Tue) Yoga for Beginners Kealkill 7.50pm-8.50pm FB: KealkillCCS
1-31(Thu) Yoga & Mobilty for Women Kinsale 7pm FB: SáileKinsaleCC
1-31(Mon) Zumba Ballydehob 7pm-8pm FB: BallydehobCH
1-31(Thu) Zumba Baltimore 7.30pm-8.30pm FB: BaltimoreNB
1-31(Tue) Zumba Bandon 10.30am-11.30am FB: BandonNB
1 Movement Medicine & Breath Castletownbere All Day FB: MMWC
1 Outdoor Yoga Skibbereen 10am-11.30am FB: DrimoleagueNB
3 Breath & Meditation Bantry 7.15pm-8.15pm FB: GlengarriffNB
4(4Wks)(Tue) Sailing into Wellness Kinsale All Day FB: BereIsland
4(6wks)(Tue) Tai Chi Bandon 2pm-3pm/3pm-4pm FB: St.MichaelsCentre
6(3Wks)(Thu) First Aid Dunmanway 9am-5pm FB: Dunmanway
6(4Wks)(Thu) Transitioning into Secondary School 3pm-5pm FB: DunFRC
8 Monoprints from Myross Leap 10am-1pm FB:
8 Puppet-making(7-12yrs) Bandon 10.30am FB: CorkCoCo
10-12 Darkroom Classes Clonakilty All Day FB: ClonArts
12(5Wks)(Wed) Qi Gong for Beginners Inchigeela 7.30pm FB: InchigeelaNews
12(6Wks)(Wed) Trauma Yoga Ballydehob 6pm-7.30pm FB: BantryHCE
13 Forest Eco-system Restoration Leap 7.30pm FB:
13 Mindful Movement/Self-Massage 10am-11.30am FB: DunmanwayFRC
21 Chainmaille & Leather Bracelets Bandon 6.30pm-8.30pm FB: BandonNB
22 Mindful Movement/Self-Massage Dunmanway 10am-11.30am FB: DunFRC
22 The Work That Connects Bandon 10am-5pm FB: BEAG
22 Wellness Workshop(4-9yrs) Mealagh Valley 11am-1pm FB: GlengarriffNB
26 Free Your Neck & Shoulders Mealagh Valley 7pm-9pm FB: MVC
29 Singing The Work Away Leap 2pm-4.30pm FB: 49NorthSt
30 Chainmaille & Leather Bracelets Bandon 2pm-4pm FB: BandonNB